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 Ongoing projects of OEHL

살균 스프레이 병
실험실 실험

Study on the Size and Composition Characteristics and Deposition at Respiratory Tract according to
Various Sources for the Reduction of Fine Dust
– Focused on Poorly Investigated Sources -

Establishment and Verification of research infrastructure for personal Protective equipment

Consumer Product Inhalation Exposure model

Research on Occupational & Environmental Health

  • OEHL belongs to the Department of Environmental Health, Graduate School of Public Health, Seoul National University.

  • OEHL conducts creative and cutting-edge research.

  • OEHL is fun and prepares students for the future.

  • OEHL conducts professional research on occupational hygiene and environmental health including;

- Research and education how to anticipate, recognize, evaluate and control of traditional health hazards in the workplace and in the community.
- Research and education on the health hazard at the semiconductor and LCD industry.
- Research and education on the respirators for both aerosol and bioaerosol.
- Research and education on the nanomaterial at the workplace, 3D printing and consumer products.
- Research and education on the methods for ventilation at the workplace.
- Research and education on the asbestos measurement and control.
- Research and education on the chemical substances management at the workplace.

  • OEHL does not only conduct various studies but also have healthy lab culture. OEHL has been selected as the first 2020 Healthy Lab in Korea.


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